Biodata No

Biodata Type Female
Marital Status Unmarried
Birth Year 1994
Age 30 Year
Blood Group B+
Skin Color Fair
Height 5 Feet
Weight 55 Kg
Mention Any Disability No
Mobile ***********
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Present and Permanent Address
Where are you currently living? Dhaka, Bangladesh
Permanent address Shariatpur, Bangladesh
Where you grown up? শরীয়তপুর
Highest Education Masters
Education Media General
Masters / Kamil ২০২১
স্টেটে ইউনিভার্সিটি অফ বাংলাদেশ
Honours / Fazil ২০১৮
আশা ইউনিভার্সিটি বাংলাদেশ
HSC / Alim ২০১৪
শেরেবাংলা নগর গভ: স্কুল এন্ড কলেজ
SSC / Dakhil ২০১১
খালেক তালুকদার উচ্চবিদ্যালয়
Profession No
Family Info
Financial Status Upper Middle Class
Financial Details আলহামদুলিল্লাহ সচ্ছল পরিবার।
Father's Occupation Father Dead
Is mother alive? Mother Alive
Mother's Occupation গৃহিণী
How many more brothers do you have? 2 Brother
Brothers info (if any) কনস্ট্রাকশন বিজনেস
How many more sisters are there? 4 Sister
Sisters info (if any) সবাই বিবাহিত
Uncle info মৃত
What kind of house do you currently live in? Own House
Religion Info
What kind of veil is observed in family? Not everyone maintians veil but there is no restriction
Do you pray? Alhamdulillah I pray 5 times
Can you read Quran? Can read Quran
Which branch of Islam do you follow? Sunni
What kind of clothes do you wear when you go out? Hijab & Niqab
Do you cover your face? I cover my face Alhamdulillah
Do you wear gloves and socks when you go out? I wear hand-socks and foot-socks
What is your expectatation
Country of residence (Bangladesh) Yes
Other countries Yes
Which location will you prefer Dhaka, Bangladesh
Age 30 to 35
What will be the marital status?
What is the minimum height? Minimum 3 Feet 0 Inch
Minimum education Masters
What other qualities you want? অবশ্যই নামাজি ও দ্বীনদার হতে হবে।
Authority Inquiries
Is your information 100% true? Correct will not be responsible if any information of bride or bridegroom proves to be false. Do you agree? Yes


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